Sunday, September 14, 2008

Coming Together

Candlelight Service

We held two services in the Fellowship Hall this morning. Both were short and very sweet.

Betty and Robert led us in several hymns with several other musicians.
The kids helped bring in some things from the sanctuary.
Betty announced at the beginning that we would be using hymnals - something most people would not recognize! It really was amazing to worship God in a different understanding and environment this morning. I noticed that many people were emotional as they sang.
I loved watching the ladies set up the altar. It was heart-warming to see what was important to each person and to watch them get it done!
Pastor Ray gave the children's sermon - something else we don't usually see. The kids really enjoyed it.
I love to see them bowing their heads in prayer.

Godfrey's son, Matt, joined the musicians at the end of the service as we sand "God of this City" which is our theme song for the series we've just begun - "Reaching Beyond Yourself".

Betty and Michael's House

The ceiling in her master closet caved in.
The floor in her closet as the guys were cleaning up.
The ceiling in her living area over the big screen TV she said was giving them problems before hand!! :)
Volunteers showed up like the cavalry.

Missing Shingles

I once was lost...
...but now I'm found.

Curriculum Room

A lot of the curriculum has water damage, but it looked like a lot of it could still be used.Some of it was not salvageable.

The Outlet

More water damage in the Outlet. There was a leak above the stage and somewhere else in the ceiling above the cafe area.

Back Parking Lot

I found Luis in the back parking lot unclogging the drains! Thank you, Luis!


A tree fell on the awning of the "baby" playground, and there are a lot of limbs.

The cover from the playground canopy ripped off and is sitting in front of the preschool office window. The gutter drain was sitting beside it.
This is the preschool playground. The only damage was the cover to the canopy.

Prayer Closet

The prayer closet also has a lot of water damage and the carpet was ripped up as well.

Santuary Balcony

There was quite a bit of water in the balcony. This is the wall.The ceiling...
More of the ceiling...
The Cry Room also received a lot of water damage, and all the carpet was ripped out.